Training: Activation of anger energy

Feelings are a source of power. Conscious feelings are a tool for navigation. Anger energy is the power that lets us step into life. Consciously used anger leads to clarity, sets boundaries and says a clear yes! or no!

Conscious anger empowers you to stand up for what you want and to live your life in a way that suits you. Conscious anger is a tool that is available to all of us – a tool to take responsibility for life.

Training: What is the world i want to live in?

In this training you learn the tools for reconnecting to your own nature – and to recognize how parts of you trained by your family and school work. Most probably your nature is bigger than what you allow in your life.

Part of this training is becoming familiar with your own shadow underworld so you can start recognizing when your own resistance to life is on the steering wheel.

Training: Your power of creation

In this training you train your nonlinear skills of creating possibilities for you and for others. You learn how to accept different perspectives and explore in unfamiliar fields.

Aou train how to relate to Gaia and become friends with her. You practice offering your questions and listening to her. Gaia knows so much more than we do. We discover the pleasure of co-creation. You explore your powers and the obstacles you create to avoid them.

Training: Global collaboration

Being, feeling and thinking nonlinear is a key to aligning yourself to the multidimensional universe. As the transformational work keeps going there is no limits to inventing solutions.

In this training you train how to translate your being’s power into collaboration with other beings and projects. Collaboration can change the world when it is based on connection.